
<p>hi so I know college admissions are almost impossible to predict but if you 'chance me' I will 'chance you' back! </p>

<p>I am a current Junior, a white female from Texas and I go to one of the best high schools in the country (repeatedly makes Newsweek's top high schools and ranks 30ish). </p>

<p>4.2 GPA Weighted (no unweighted GPA)
SAT 1950 w/ no prep, doing prep and expect to do better when i take them again
top 15% of class
am waiting for ACT scores and will be taking SAT II math, USH, and Chem
Soph took all Pre-AP and AP World (5 on exam)
JR year
AP Chem
AP English
AP CompSci
Spanish IV
Rigor off classes is difficult and i have mid As with one or two high Bs
expected 5s on chem, hugo, USH, and English </p>

<p>Sr year
AP Econ/Gov
AP Calc AB
AP Euro (history is my strong suit)
AP English Lit
Spanish V
(no science sr year, but am instead taking AP Euro because thats what im looking to study in college-- International Relations, PolySci w/ History minor, is this a disadvantage in application process?) </p>

International Club (president Jr and Sr year)
4 Yrs of varsity field hockey (Sr captian)
2 Yrs of Lacrosse (1 yr varsity)
Science National HS officer
members of various community service clubs
summer counselor jobs
peer tutor in various subjects
trip to costa rica to help a environmental conservation project </p>

<p>ECs might be a little weak but I can write a strong essay, and will get good rec letters
am looking to apply to
-LSE (for IR with minor in history)
-UNC chapel hill
-Kings College London
I know alot of these schools are a reach but i would appreciate feedback and if you have any other suggestions for schools that would be good for IR/PolySci/hist please let me know!</p>

<p>I think that UNC, UVA, Georgetown and Hopkins will be tougher. Better chances at NYU and GWU if you can raise your scores somewhat. Some others to possibly check into are Boston University, Richmond, American, Maryland, Wisconsin, Syracuse and Dickinson ΒΆ. Best of luck!</p>

<p>thank you for the feedback!</p>