
<p>Hey guys, just a little worried about how competitive a candidate I am. Specifically, it's my unweighted gpa that frightens me.</p>

<p>unweighted: 3.65
weighted: 4.75</p>

<p>Class rank: 21/611, 3.4%</p>

<p>ACT: 34, 10 writing</p>

<p>Looking to walk on the college's baseball team. Unfortunately, due to injuries, I missed the recruiting cycle. Coaches have told me that if I can get in, then I will have a spot on the team. Unfortunately, they can't help me very much since they're done recruiting. So I'm mainly leaning on my academics. </p>

<p>Does my gpa automatically disqualify me? Or am I ok? With very good essays, recs, and extracurriculars, do I have a chance?</p>

<p>My personal essay focuses on the struggles I have undergone to keep my dream of playing pro baseball alive. I think it's pretty good. Put a lot of work into it.</p>

<p>Do I have a chance of getting into harvard or any of the other Ivies?</p>

<p>Thanks so much</p>

<p>You certainly have a chance, but those schools are almost always reaches unless if</p>

<p>-you are a URM with great stats
-your dad or mom is an influential alumnus
-you have made a world-changing contribution to science/sports/arts/politics/economy.</p>

<p>Thanks so much. That’s all I’m looking for, a chance. I just don’t wanna be disqualified immediately because my unweighted is too low.</p>