
<p>GPA: 2.9 [its been going up since freshman year, i reall screwed up then]
SATS: 1830
650M 580V 600W
Very competitive high school, doesn't rank
have one AP for next year
NJ resident
President of drama club, VP of TV society
2 years of newspaper
Well over 500 hours of in school volunteering</p>

<p>out of school
assistant to technical director in a middle school play
asst. stage manager in a community theatre play [150 hours]
asst. stage manager in another ct play [another approx 150 hours]
other out of school theatre volunteering totalling about another 50 hours
student advisor to a teen magazine</p>

<p>very good recommendations, will have an awesome essay
applying to RC, douglass, and either mason gross or livingston. [as a theatre major]
think i have a shot even with the horrible gpa?</p>

<p>Not at RC, but maybe at the others</p>

<p>alrrigghttt what if i brought up my sat scores to like 700 math 650CR and 650W?</p>

<p>GPA matters alot, if your GPA is that low, SATs wont get you very far.</p>

<p>gpa is always first</p>

<p>How does a 3.9 and 1700 look?</p>

<p>ull get in.</p>

<p>are you sure? SAT is standardized GPA isn't.. i know they look at them together but i doubt GPA is more important than SATs</p>

<p>r u kiddin me? 3 years of GPA means a lot more than a 3 1/2 hour test</p>

<p>idk it depends on the college.. some high schools can be very easy and have grade inflation while SAT is graded the same for everyone</p>

<p>umich places more emphasis on GPA while ivies place more emphasis on SAT</p>

<p>I disagree. I believe a strong SAT score can offset a weak GPA. I know of people who have been accepted with a low GPA but a high SAT score.</p>

<p>maybe livingston.. but doubtful.</p>