
<p>I know this is a reach, I just want to know how much.</p>

African American/White/Carribean </p>

<p>School is Top 100 Nationally (Public)
GPA : 3.0/4.0 unweighted
3.5 weighted
SAT : 680 Math 580 reading 640 Writing
ACT: 28 with 10 essay</p>

4 AP's ( Pshyc, Art History, Bio, Enviromental)
Rest Honors</p>

Track 2 years
Varsity football 2 years
250+ Community Service
Started band for mentally disabled
Ref soccer
School Senate
School Ambassador
Internship at local national hospital
and some more smaller ones</p>

<p>You can see the chances chart on the UW admission site- 20% based on gpa/ACT. Your gpa could reflect not doing the work but unless you really learned the material despite your grades you could have a hard time at UW given your HS knowledge base compared to most other students. You could do well your freshman year elsewhere and transfer if you want to attend UW- Madison. Also, improving grades count- such as a much higher gpa junior year than the first two.</p>

<p>what site?</p>

<p>What wis75 said. Only a 20% chance according to this site twinkletowz<em>xo
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/em&gt;FreshmanExpectations.pdf&lt;/p>

<p>Mmm I don't really have a clue, but honestly, I think you'll be in.</p>


<p>OOS or In-state?</p>

<p>I am OOS, Maryland</p>

<p>You have a solid chance: kids with worse stats have gotten without any special category. You are an underrepresented minority which ups your chance.</p>

<p>thanks for all your opinions! i just checked this morning and I was accepted!!!!! Thanks again everyone!</p>

<p>That's great! Congratulations golden12345!!! :) :) :)</p>

<p>congrats...when did you have your application in? I'm asking because we have the same counselor (I'm in VA) and I'm coming up on 6 weeks now with no response...</p>

<p>I submitted everything September 12th. So it took a while for me. My friend from my school heard back in 2-3 weeks...</p>