<p>I'm a high school senior this year and I have no real clue where I want to go, but if I had an idea of where I could get in, it would help.</p>
<p>ACT: 36
M:35 E:35 R:36 S:36</p>
<p>GPA: 3.9 UW
Rank: 11/170</p>
<p>Superior Vocal Rating in Regional Contest 2 years
Highest Honors GPA: 9-12
Natl. Honor Society Since Sophomore Year
6 years of Concordia Language Village Experience Spanish
Varsity Soccer (captain)
Varsity Tennis (captain)
Varsity Mock Trial (captain)
Varsity Knowledge Bowl (captain)
Varsity Speech (captain)
Payne Street Singers (pops choir)
Lead Musical Roles 10-12
Student Council Member
Area youth Council President
Students Performing on Tough Situations (S.P.O.T.S.)
Couple AP tests with 4s</p>
<p>That's what I can remember off the top of my head, but I was wondering, what're my chances for schools like Princeton, Yale, Northwestern?</p>
<p>Wow how can you even manage your extracurriculars? Even being a varsity captain in one sport takes time dedication of over 30hrs/week in my school.</p>
<p>I’d say you are in at Northwestern. P and Y is a crapshoot, but you still have good chance nonetheless.</p>
<p>I love the stress. I function best under pressure. My EC’s have led to a problem though. I haven’t been able to take the SAT II’s and even if I signed up now it would be too late before my applications would be do. Will that kill my chances at some schools?</p>
<p>I’ve been offered a full scholarship at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, and I’m wondering if that would be of higher worth then basic admission at a more prestigious school?</p>
<p>uh oh no SAT IIs? Thats actually pretty bad. Go sign up right now before its too late, all three of your schools accept December scores. </p>
<p>as for the U of M situation, it depends on many factors. undergrad prestige, for one, does not matter much if you are planning to go grad school</p>
<p>If you talk to the admissions officers about your problem with SAT IIs they would most probably understannd and take a note of your situation. Humans like it when you communicate with them, it shows that you care. Definitely do also sign up for the sonnest subject tests possible though.
Lots of respect for ECs. Must have been hard getting used to it!</p>
<p>It can never hurt going to Yale or Princeton. If you get in that school, do go there. The people you gonna meet there are gonna be worth the money that you will spend in those 4 years, even if you plan on going to grad school afterwards. You gonna gradute and go to the real world at some point in your life anyway, right?</p>
<p>^yes what baahaaboo said. Going to princeton/yale will not only help you get into a good grad school (in terms of academic and social preparation), but they will offer you top-notch connections with alumni that will help you secure jobs, internships, etc… And people you meet at Y/P will be people you would want to know.</p>