<p>Hoping I am a competitive candidate and hoping the legacy helps.</p>
<p>Note: There's like six other kids from my school applying to Cornell early, not all to CAS but still. I'm probably around average GPA/Scores in the group.</p>
<p>You’re most likely in. The legacy is the key thing, assuming that your dad has contributed money regularly and been active in the alumni community. It would be better if you were applying to one of the state colleges instead of Arts and Sciences, since your GPA will be lower than most other candidates. But you’re attending one of the top high school schools in NY, and you have good SAT scores, so that won’t be such a problem.</p>
<p>It sounds like you got money being at a good private school. Combined with legacy don’t worry about it. One of the kids in my high school got into Cornell with a C average. Money helps all.</p>
<p>My cousin studies at Cornell currently. Does that count as legacy? Will it help make my chances higher?
I have almost the same stats as OP, but higher GPA and SAT score.</p>