
<p>In-State (if that helps any)
Weighted GPA: 4.08
Class Rank: 87/600
SAT: 1840 (590 CR, 620 W, 630 M, 9 Essay)
ACT: 31 (29 M, 29 W, 36 R, 30 S, 7 Essay)</p>

<p>AP's: 4 World History, 3 Psych, 3 Am. History, 2 Eng. Lang.
Taking Government, Econ, EnSci, Eng. Lit. this year</p>

<p>Active members of:
Ecology Club (11,12)
Student Government (11,12)
Boy Scouts of America (9-12), Life Scout and Senior Patrol Leader
Interact Club (11,12), Secretary in senior year
First Priority (9-12), Student Leader in 11, 12
Newspaper (10-12), Sports Editor in 11,12</p>

<p>Volunteer/Service Work: Over 200 service hours, very involved in school service projects (i.e. Harvest Drive, Beach Cleanups, Relay For Life, etc.)
Also, very involved with church, teacher for Sunday School and help out in A/V department. Multiple outreaches throughout the year (volunteering at Cerebral Palsy Home every month and Boys and Girls club sports camp)</p>

<p>Class rank and SAT are a bit low. You will find out in about 3 weeks though.</p>

<p>What's up with the major difference between your SAT and ACT scores, particularly your CR scores? That's insane! And it is strange to see someone with a 36 Reading score score a 2 on your AP Lit exam. Either the admissions people will embrace you as something of an anomaly or they will fear you are far too inconsitent.
Your class rank is slightly low, but your ACT composite of 31 is better than 75% of enrolled students. I think, coupled with your EC activites, you have a decent chance of being accepted -- but don't get your hopes up!</p>

<p>thanks a lot, both of you!</p>

<p>and I cant believe I got a 2 on my English exam, I was pretty mad cuz thats my best subject by far...but oh well, I'll probably get a 4 or 5 this year because lit is wayyy easier.</p>

<p>I'd say you have a fair shot, but don't be disappointed if you're deferred or offered admission for Spring 2010.</p>