
<p>I have applied RD to U of Miami
Native of Omaha, Nebraska
GPA: 3.57 W & 3.37 UW & 23% Rank
SAT: 1400/2030 (640 M, 760 CR, 630 W)
Pretty Good EC: President & Founder of Politics Club, Sec of Model UN, 3yrs Tennis, DECA V.P.
Intern at Obama Campaign, Intern for Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, worked at McDonalds
Recs should be good (one from DECA teacher and Tennis coach)
AP Scholar and HOBY Winner
8 APs over Jr/Sr year
Haven't visited though I have emailed them</p>

<p>I'd like to think you have a good chance</p>

<p>Do you by chance know if they take campus visits into account? I noticed you mentioned you haven't visited.</p>

<p>GPA and class rank seem low, but everything else looks good.</p>

<p>If their like most other schools they probably look at interest you show and if you visit you are more likely to be a serious applicant but for me Miami is like half way across the country and not really close to any other quality private schools</p>

<p>anybody else</p>

<p>Your GPA is too low, I think, along with your class rank. But then again, Nebraska is not a common place for applicants at UM and they like diversity and your 1400 SAT definitely shows the adcom. you have potential and can be an asset to their university, same with your extracurriculars. I'd say you have a 60/40 chance. Good luck man!</p>

<p>his gpa is fine...</p>

<p>mine is in that area >_></p>


<p>I don't mean to sound like a prick, but that GPA is on a very low spectrum for a W GPA. I have friends from Long Island and other parts of the Northeast, although they are competitive areas because of the amount of applicants from this geographical region, still get denied or deferred with 3.5-3.75 GPA W (5-7 APs, pretty good ECs) and 1190-1260 SAT. </p>

<p>Miami is not like it use to be. You need to be at the very top of your class (10%- 15%, although 15% is kind of far and few). Also, it is in your favor if you go to a very well known and hard private or prep. school, because then you can get in with lesser credentials because Miami knows of the curriculum these schools offer and understands why you have an average or below average GPA. The freshmen class this year does not have as many as the typical Miami students. I know plenty of kids who turned down ivy leagues and top 20 schools for Miami.</p>

<p>People are underestimating UM and will be surprised by their decisions come February.</p>

<p>Bruins Jew I Got In with a top 26% class rank</p>

<p>Congrats man!</p>

I think your strong SAT's will make up for GPA. Good Luck</p>

<p>Bruins Jew I got in with a 1200 and a 92</p>

<p>i got in with a 1310 and a 3.4</p>

<p>Guess it doesn't matter, the OP got in. :D</p>