
<p>Asian American Male</p>


<p>[GPA]: UW 3.0 | W 3.6 (Mid-year grades are combined 3.8 GPA W)</p>

<p>[SAT]: CR: 520 M: 560 --> 1080/1600|1620/2400 (This is where I may have most trouble..)</p>

<p>[ACT]: 24 Composite</p>

<h2>[Class Rank]: Top 30%</h2>

- Computer Club
- Varsity Indoor Track & Field (4)
- Varisty Spring Track & Field - Captain (4)</p>

<p>3 Teacher Recommendation Letters, and 1 Counselor.</p>

<p>What major are you looking in to?</p>

<p>Computer Engineering</p>

<p>Are you a junior? Your numbers are low for VT engineering, but probably not so low that you couldn't pull it off with a lot of work and improvement.</p>

<p>I am also looking into Business, how do I fare regarding that field?</p>

<p>ouch...your gpa so so but your SAT is low for engineering. your teacher recs won't help because VTech doesn't read recs.</p>

<p>Vt is strickly numbers when it comes to admissions, I hope this isn't your first choice, it could go either way.</p>