Change major to undecided?

I applied ea for a com sci major for fall admission but i believe that i won’t get accepted since that requirements are most likely higher for the school of com sci. If i email and ask to change to undecided will my chances be better? How many major switch from undecided to com sci?

@justins21 - Comp Sci is not a LEP, so there is no additional review for admittance into that major.

If i don’t make the com sci major would they accept me for undecided?

@justins21 - There are NO higher requirements for the school of comp sci. Comp Sci is NOT a LEP. At UMD, only LEPs have additional standards that require review by the cognizant school after the basic University admission decision. You will either be admitted or denied, based on your application. If you are admitted. you will be a comp sci major. There are only a hanful of majors (LEPs - Limited Enrollment Programs) at UMD that have higher requirements (i.e Business, Engineering, Psychology, etc). Comp Sci is NOT one of them. Changing to undecided will not affect your UMD admission decision. Good Luck

My S is admitted to History Major in the College of Arts and Humanities as he had applied for it. However he would now like to change to Economics major in the College of Behavioural Sciences. will that be possible?

@srjkol - It should be possible. Contact the admissions office for changes in a major.