<p>GPA:4.2 (my freshman GPA was very low *not an excuse but would colleges look down on that?)
SATII: Math (2) 800, US History 800, Physics 760, Biology 760</p>
<p>AP Exams: (All 5's) AP US History, AP Stats, AP Calc AB +BC, AP US Goverment, AP Biology, AP Physics, AP English Language, AP Literature, </p>
<p>Awards: SkillsUSA Nationals Leadership Conference Extemporaneous Speaking 1st place two years in a row (was the first person from our school to be qualified ever)
SkillsUSA State President (elected Position)
SkillsUSA State Conference Extemporaneous Speaking 1st place
Forensics Extemporaneous Speaking 2 years state champion
Multiple piano and classical guitar awards for state and district competitions and from university competitions (first place in all. about 10 major ones)
Received the High School Education Grant to go on National's conferences
Received Certificate from the Republic of Ecuador for doing over 240 hours of community service there.
Optimists Oratorical State Competition: 1st place
300+ hours of community service. vast majority of them in Ecuador and Korea</p>
<p>Clubs and Acitivities:
Started the high School's Debate Team
Started the School's Student Congress Team
Forensics (school's only extemporaneous speaker in the past five years)
SkillsUSA (president)
Environmental Club (president)
Gigzone (president): Started a band to participate in school shows
Student Council/government President: 2 years
Jazz Band
Principal Pianist at our Church since Freshman year
Piano for nine years
Guitar for 5 years (classical)
Varsity Track since sophomore year</p>