Changing Engineering Majors

<p>Howdy fellow Aggies,</p>

<p>I understand that the process of being admitted to the College of Engineering is a little bit different this year, with no bind being placed until you apply to your specified major. However, there are minor differences, specifically between nuclear engineering and chemical engineering, in the freshman year engineering degree plan. IIRC, you apply to your major after completing your CBK courses. Now my dilemma is that I was accepted with a preference for nuclear engineering, but have decided to change my route to chemical engineering. Do I need to request a change via my AIS, or will I just register for different classes?</p>

<p>Thanks and Gig 'em!</p>

<p>Whenever you have the opportunity to switch into the major of your choice prior to starting school I would take advantage of it. Switching once you are a student is typically more difficult( although that is to be seen with the new format). I would not assume that you will be able to ‘just register for different classes’ although that may be the case this year - always safer to have the major already in the system prior to your NSC & the preference being full. Not sure how engineering is working this year, do the preferenced majors show up online if they are still open? Anyone know? Good luck & congrats on your acceptance.</p>

<p>You will be able to preference chemical engineering when you get to that point. It should work out. That’s what this new system is trying to alleviate - students changing their minds about their area of engineering and being too frustrated to see if they might just prefer a different disciple and just switching out of the school completely. While your preference is nuclear, you should be able to make a more educated decision once you are enrolled and completing your CBK. If you are worried, I would definitely recommend maybe speaking with a nuclear advisor just to get it 100%, but I’m pretty sure that’s the process.</p>

<p>Do you have any idea what the criteria will be for getting into the chemical engineering major sophomore year with the new system? I read that it will be competitive, but since this is the first year for this process, I have no idea what that means in terms of GPA.</p>