Changing majors at Cal Poly SLO

I recently was admitted into Cal Poly SLO as a Nutrition major. Later on as I’ve looked into the classes involved and done far more research (I didn’t really care to look it up before since I didn’t expect to get in), I realized it’s not the major for me. I am hoping it’s possible to switch into the Business major but I’ve been hearing a lot about how difficult it is to switch your college (Nutrition to Business). Has anyone had experience with this? If so, what requirements are necessary? I’ve heard they look at your high school GPA and the courses involved with the ICMA, but I am solely concerned with how difficult and what scores I would need to meet those requirements.

However, it does not look like it shows how high the grades/GPA standards are to be allowed to change major, so you may want to ask the department directly.

I just toured SLO yesterday with a couple freshman and one of them already switched their major from physics to math, which is the same college. But they told me of one of their friends who switched into Business from another SLO college.

Your original MCA score that got you into Nutrition would have had to qualify you for the College of Business and then with your advisor, you come up with a plan. And if you meet the requirements of the plan, including GPA, they’ll allow you to switch. That’s how it was told me to me on our private tour by a freshman who switched already. I’m sure that’s not everything, but a thumbnail sketch.

Okay thank you! Yeah I’m going up next weekend and am planning on speaking to them then but was just curious if anyone else had input.

We did similar to @sushiritto ; in addition to what they said, my understanding is that when you change majors into an area with a limited number of spots, they’re comparing your MCA to that of the others trying to make the switch into the same major as you. So how difficult it might be in any given quarter depends on the quality of the pool of people trying to make the same switch to Business.

If you get a chance to talk to an advisor who adds more color, please come back and report it here!

Will do! Thanks!

Also getting good grades in the first semester is very critical.
My son changed his major within the college, and the first thing
his adviser did was to check his grades in the first semester.

I heard original MCA was important, but I am not sure if he
even had the qualified MCA to change the major as he was
admitted off the wait list.

His change of major was approved immediately after the first semester,
then was finalized after the second semester.

He was given the condition after the first semester what grades he had
to keep in what classes in the second semester.

Hey everyone! Just got back from Open House at Cal Poly. I talked to many students who switched majors outside of their college and said it is definitely possible, and not as hard as everyone makes it out to be. There’s hope!! I think I will attend Cal Poly SLO in the fall because of this information.