Changing majors at UCLA?

<p>Hi, I have applied to UCLA of the fall term of 2009. I wasn't thinking when filling out my application and decided to put my major down as Political Science (Pre) instead of what I plan to major in, Business Economics.</p>

<p>I was wondering, should I try to change my declared major now before they give me an admissions decision? Or should I wait until I get to UCLA and then try to change it there during orientation or something? How hard would it be for me to transfer into the Biz Econ major once I get there?</p>

<p>Also, if I did change it now, would it be harder to get in under Biz Econ instead of Poly Sci?</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure it doesn’t matter what major you declare; your admissions is not affected by your major in the college of Letters and Science. For Biz Econ, you have to declare as a “pre-major.” You have to take the pre req’s and get a certain GPA in them before you can actually call yourself a “business economics” major. </p>

<p>Anyhow, case in point: If you are applying to the college of letters and science, what you major in does not affect your chance of acceptance (and both biz econ and poly sci are in the college of letters and science).</p>