Changing Majors

Can someone please describe the process and any restrictions regarding changing majors, both within, and to a different college? In other words, how difficult, and how often can you change your major within, say Agriculture, and from Agriculture to say, Science & Math? I appreciate that the intended destination (i.e., engineering, business ) will be relevant, but just generally speaking. Thanks.

Here is the link for the basic criteria for changing majors at SLO:

The first and foremost issue for most accepted students and changing majors is that if you would have not qualified for that particular major as an accepted Freshman, then you will have a difficult time changing majors once attending.

Easier to switch within a College than between Colleges but it is possible. I would speak with an academic advisor during orientation to plan your major change, just remember there are no guarantees.

The process sounds a bit onerous and restrictive. That, coupled with the relatively limited number of majors within the particular colleges is a bit concerning.

Cal Poly does this to eliminate back dooring into majors an applicant wouldn’t have been admitted into when they initially applied. For instance, applying to and getting admitted into agriculture, and planning on switching to computer science. In general, swimming downstream (more selective to less selective) is easier than the opposite.

This approach isn’t for everyone, and certainly something to consider if choosing CP. That said, students do change, occasionally, more than once. Just know, it is never guaranteed.

It is possible to change majors but you need strong grades at Cal Poly (not easy) and you need to show you can graduate on time. You can’t apply until you finish your first quarter, which means your second quarter classes will already be scheduled. If the classes between majors are very different, you will not be able to make up the difference.

(Be sure to take into account your AP credits to free up schedule space).

You can compare graduation requirements here:

Also look at minors. Maybe you can take Agriculture with a minor in Biotechnology? Economics?

I’ve heard many students take summer GE classes at Foothill College or similar colleges so they can take a minor or make their schedule more manageable.

This is a big decision as mentioned above by eyemgh.

**Talk to a Cal Poly Academic Advisor. Everyone’s situation is different…

Recently I know change of major requests have been based around whether you would have gotten into the school as a first year applicant. If you weren’t they are not very accommodating.