<p>If I applied to Georgetown as Undeclared in Georgetown College but think there's a large possibility I might change to the Sciences (also in Georgetown College), how hard would it be to do that either before I go there or during freshman year? Could I change it after I get accepted but before I go there (assuming that I get in)?</p>
<p>No one is holding you to what you put on your application and I don’t even think that your dean gets that information. By filling in a bubble on the application you haven’t declared anything and thus don’t have to worry about changing anything. You don’t have to make a decision until some point sophomore year.</p>
If you check Undeclared on your Georgetown application, that information will be transferred to the Dean’s Office for your school (COL in your case).</p>
<p>If you would like to change majors to something within the same school, you will need to contact the College Dean’s Office after receiving your enrollment confirmation over the summer. The Deans Office assigns Faculty Advisors over the summer for science applicants, so it does matter if you want to switch to science.</p>
<p>Let me know if you have more questions, and good luck!</p>
<p>So it doesn’t matter until I am accepted (if I get accepted) and decide to enroll right?</p>
<p>Correct. The Admissions Committee is reviewing applications now based on intended major. If/once you are accepted, you can wait until June to contact the COL Deans Office via email or phone.</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>Thank you so much! That was very helpful!</p>
<p>Can you change between schools? For example, from the College to Business?</p>
<p>^ That’s what I did. I sent them a letter, but I dunno if they got it.</p>