changing to physics major

<p>How do I change to a physics major? On UCI's website it says you must have a minimum of however many units and whatnot. Does this apply to incoming freshman? Do I have to go to the school to change my major or can I do it over the phone or something? Also, can any physics majors tell me what classes I should be enrolled in for the fall quarter? (I'm currently a bio major and enrolled in bio 93, chem 1a, and intro to philo) THANKS</p>

<p>The physics major is part of a school, so try to go that school’s website. And from there, it should tell you about the pre-reqs or anything needed to change majors. There also should be a phone # for the school’s office, and tell them of your situation.</p>

<p>The sooner you take initiative before school starts, the better it is for you. If you’re not planning on going to med school, I don’t think you need to take hardcore classes like Bio 93.
But I wouldn’t know too much since I’m also an incoming fresh. Good luck though!</p>

<p>If you’re truely into studying physics, then don’t take Bio 93 or chem 1A unless you’re doing it for personal interest. Take the Physics Placement exam as soon as possible to see whether you should go into Physics 7A, B, or C. </p>

<p>You can change your major at SPOP orientation. If not, you will have to take certain physics courses, namely the physics 7 series, and earn a minimum GPA of 3.0 I believe to change your major into physics. Only then will you be eligible to change your major.</p>

<p>[UCI</a> Change of Major Criteria: School of Physical Sciences](<a href=“]UCI”></p>

<p>2.00 GPA</p>

<p>Most recent quarterly GPA of 2.00</p>

<p>Course grades<br>
Must meet BOTH requirements:</p>

<p>Minimum GPA of 3.00 for all lower-division math and physics courses that count toward the major.</p>

<p>Minimum GPA of 3.00 for all lower-division UCI math and physics courses that count toward the major.</p>

<p>Other Minimum of two physics lecture courses taken at UCI that count toward the major.
Approval of Physics Departmental Chief Academic Advisor.</p>

<p>yay go physics!
well if you are able to change your major, you’ll want to enroll in Phys 7A, Math 2A/Math2B, and then that intro to Philo class you can keep</p>

<p>You’ll have to take the physics placement exam in order to enroll but here’s what they’re doing with it:</p>

<p>The test can place you into 7C if you score high enough, BUT after this year they are making the Phys 7C,D track for engineering students only, and the Phys 7A,B,D track for Physics majors. So what I was told by the woman from the physics department is that they intend for us physics majors to take phys 7A,B even if we place into 7C (this was my situation)
Just in case you run into this issue… Hope this helped!</p>

<p>i’m planning on switching my major to physics but then going to med school thereafter, that’s why i’m taking the bio and chem classes</p>

<p>but so if i want to change, i have to take the physics placement exam? also you guys talked about the min. gpa required but since i haven’t even started school, does that mean i have to wait til after the first quarter so i can meet the gpa requirement?</p>