<p>I've gotten two decision letters so far, and on both you can see the ink from the other letters that they were mass producing. Have any of you guys gotten crappy looking letters?</p>
<p>Considering the fact that most colleges admit thousands of students, wouldn’t you expect the admission letters to be mass produced? When you go to college are you going to want to have higher fees because the college insists on spending extra $ for fancy admission letters?</p>
<p>Well I wouldn’t mind a nice looking one w/o the ink from other letters on it seeing as I payed a fee. And of course I expect they mass produce them lol</p>
<p>What’s the difference as long as they get the point across?</p>
<p>All I’m asking is if anyone has gotten crappy looking letters, so there’s no need to probe my displeasure with the appearance of mine.</p>
<p>I agree, Giggitus. I HATE when letters look crappy. Also, whenever I get a letter I put the paper right to my face and see whether or not it’s hand signed. I get very frustrated when it’s obviously printed and you can see the pixelly text. Sorry, I’m weird.</p>
<p>Whoah, you expect people to hand-sign letters to you?
That’s… a strange mixture of insanity and arrogance.</p>
<p>…do you really think they spend your application fee on ink?</p>
<p>no, I haven’t gotten any crappy looking one but I expect some to come, they don’t hand type them all. or anything special.</p>
<p>Geez, quit attacking the OP.</p>
<p>I thought the exact same thing when I got my University of Alabama letter. It also looked like the printer needed new toner too.</p>
<p>Lookbeyond, why do you care what I expect? I don’t live to be humble and impress you with my modesty. :></p>
<p>Sorry that I expect official things to look official.</p>
<p>So far my letters have been pretty nice. Fordham’s was pretty classy. It was in a folder and U of Scranton’s letter was surprisingly nice. Saint Joseph’s letter that I just recieved is a bit folded and there were random scribbles on the envelope (lol), but I don’t care because they gave me a crap load of money!</p>
<p>Amen to that xSteven!</p>