<p>AIFS</a> Summer Advantage - High School Study Abroad Programs</p>
<p>This program sounds really sweet, going to a foreign country and getting college credit. I'd love to experience something like that, but then I looked at the price:7k. That's kind of a lot, for me. And the scholarships are only from $750, so that would just be a small dent. </p>
<p>Is there anything cheaper? I don't really care if I get college credits from it, but it would be really sweet to spend a few weeks or a month in a foreign country. I wouldn't mind doing some volunteer work, or just going to regular H.S. classes with someone, but I can't really afford 7k.</p>
<p>But airfare will be at least like 2 grand, and who knows what it will be by next summer. </p>
<p>If you're interested in Spanish, I attended a month long program in Mexico that cost about $1000, which included everything except airfare (room, 3 meals a day, tuition, etc). This is the school's website: Learn</a> Spanish in Mexico - San Miguel de Allende - Academia Hispano Americana</p>
<p>I had an excellent experience there.</p>
<p>Yeah, I'm taking Spanish now, and that would be pretty interesting. Thanks again.</p>
<p>Check out the Bridgeabroad programs BridgeAbroad</a> | Study Abroad, Language Courses Abroad, Language Schools, Language Immersion. When I attended a study abroad fair, many people representing OTHER programs said they had attended one of these and thought they were a great deal and super program.</p>
<p>Your options will vary on which language you want to learn, and where you want to go. </p>
<p>You can search for various programs here: [High</a> School Study Abroad Programs](<a href=“http://www.studyabroad.com/highschool/]High”>http://www.studyabroad.com/highschool/); by choosing your destination (and by association, the language you want to learn), the website will list options available for you.</p>
<p>Another option is for you to go abroad for some time between the time you finish High school and start university, as opposed to during high school or college. There is nothing wrong with taking a year off and then continuing your studies later. For me, it gave me a renewed sense of desire to learn, and probably saved my academic career…</p>
<p>If you are so interested, you don’t necessarily have to do this through a specific program (as they do charge extra fees). You can speak with high school principals and tell them about your situation. I’ve helped done various international students who want to come and study in high school here in Chicago, and I’ve seen it done in Paris. </p>
<p>I spent a year in Paris abroad, and didn’t do it through a program. I first decided I wanted to stay in Paris, so I’d logically be learning French. I then contacted the [Alliance</a> Francaise](<a href=“http://www.alliancefr.org%5DAlliance”>www.alliancefr.org), a French language school in Paris. I went through the application process, and after that, I went through with all of the administrative work of getting my visa, finding a place to stay, renewing my passport, etc. The only drawbacks was that it wasn’t for college credit, and I went alone. But the experience was amazing and I would definitely suggest that you look into it.</p>
<p>Hope that helps somewhat.</p>
Webmaster, [url=<a href=“http://www.theroria.com%5DTheroria.com%5B/url”>http://www.theroria.com]Theroria.com[/url</a>] - the study abroad community</p>
<p>It really depends on which language you want to learn. Any European country will be very expensive… there’s no way around it. My suggestion would be to go some Latin American country to learn Spanish. Flights from Miami are cheap depending on where you’re going, between $400-1000 round trip. My suggestion is not to book something ahead of time but to get to your destination and then shop around for the best deal. I went to Ecuador and I know there are a few cities with excellent and very cheap Spanish schools who can set you up with a host family, or you could stay in a hotel. Accomodations are $5-10 every night. Couchsurfer.com is a good resource for host families. Remember that if you book from a US-based company you are paying extra overhead for labor and booking costs that would not be incurred if you book directly in the country.</p>