
Hey Guys,

I’m not very proud of myself for this, but I went back and changed a couple of questions in previous sections, and I think the proctor may have seen me out of the corner of her eye. She didn’t say anything to me and collected my test in the pile as she did with the tests of others. I’m a bit worried because I think she may report me or something. Can she do this? I’m freaking out worrying about it.

Unfortunately yes she can if what you say is true. At this point, there is nothing you can do about it but wait until scores come out

Yup, they can just file a report afterwards.
That’s another reason why you shouldn’t cheat!

but would the proctor notify you that they were filing a report?

I’m not sure.
However, while I was on my bathroom break, I did hear a teacher chatting with an administrator, about a student going back on a different section; apparently, she asked the student to stay after.

Not sure if that’s for all cases though.

yeah my proctor didn’t say anything to me or put my test in a different pile or anything, but I’m just worried that she might file a report after

first off what you did was wrong, secondly stop worrying I’m sure she won’t turn you in. It’s like a 1% chance she’ll turn you in, most likely she didn’t even see you clearly (out of her corner of her eye?) and wasn’t certain so didn’t confirm it, so either you turn yourself in or donate some cash to charity.

You’re lucky being a good person isn’t a requirement for getting into college, OP! But no, if she didn’t see you (even if it looked like she did) there’s no way she can catch you. But if she did, then yes, she can always turn you in, and “cheating on a CollegeBoard test” isn’t the best thing to have on your permanent record.

are the required to inform you that they are reporting you? She didn’t say anything to me.

@LionelMessi10 No. After the test, everything is in the hands of the proctor. But honestly, shame on you.

The likelihood that the proctor wants to waste even more of her saturday filling out papers to get you in trouble is highly unlikely. Relax.