<p>Today I had my ESS 7: Intro to Space Weather midterm. At the very beginning of class, the professor talked about the whole cheating thing and how it isn't worth it. So yeah yeah, everyone nods and start the test. About 15 minutes in, I see the professor walking to my row and he starts talking to the girl sitting behind me. Apparently she had a piece of paper on her lap and he wanted it. So instead of just owning it up and giving it to him, she begins to protest and says there's nothing on the paper blah blah. He tells her to put it away and just finish the midterm. However 10 minutes later, he comes back and asks for the paper again (I assume she was still looking at it). Again more protests from the girl until she finally gives it to him. He still allows her to continue with the midterm but wants to talk to her after class. When I finished my midterm, (it was seriously really easy; I don't know why anyone would cheat) I looked at the girl because I wanted to see who it was and I saw her looking at her friend's paper who was sitting next to her. She was so obvious with her cheating that it was no wonder she got caught. </p>
<p>Professor Moldwin is known as one of the nicest professors on campus. I think it's pretty evident by the fact that he let her finish the midterm. Any other professor I know would have taken away her test and cheat sheet, failed her, and reported her to the dean's office. She should have just owned up when he first asked her because he was pretty ticked off the second time he approached her. </p>
<p>This is the first time I've seen anyone cheating in my classes and so blatantly too. Share your stories.</p>