<p>If you are thinking about adding any more excellent colleges to your list, then you might want to consider underknown and underappreciated Rice University. </p>
<p>Here are ten interesting comparisons of Rice against the non-HYP Ivies:</p>
<li> Size of undergraduate student body</li>
<p>3049 RICE</p>
<p>9730 U Penn
4085 Dartmouth
5260 Columbia
13,562 Cornell
6010 Brown</p>
<li> Acceptance Rate</li>
<p>24% RICE</p>
<p>18% U Penn
16% Dartmouth
10% Columbia
25% Cornell
14% Brown</p>
<li>2006 National Merit Scholars enrolling</li>
<p>140 RICE</p>
<p>100 U Penn
69 Dartmouth
62 Columbia
64 Cornell
94 Brown</p>
<li>% of students from public high schools</li>
<p>71% RICE</p>
<p>52% U Penn
61% Dartmouth
49% Columbia
na% Cornell
60% Brown</p>
<li>Endowment Per Capita (from NACUBO a/o 6/30/06)</li>
<p>$801,980 RICE</p>
<p>$224,151 U Penn
$537,476 Dartmouth
$243,184 Columbia
$220,032 Cornell
$266,663 Brown</p>
<li>Month of February High-Low temperature</li>
<p>67-48 RICE</p>
<p>42-28 U Penn
34-12 Dartmouth
42-29 Columbia
33-14 Cornell
39-23 Brown</p>
<li>SAT scores for 25th/75th percentiles</li>
<p>1330-1540 RICE</p>
<p>1330-1510 U Penn
1350-1550 Dartmouth
1320-1520 Columbia
1280-1490 Cornell
1350-1530 Brown</p>
<li>ACT scores for 25th/75th percentiles</li>
<p>30-34 RICE</p>
<p>29-33 U Penn
28-34 Dartmouth
28-33 Columbia
28-32 Cornell
27-33 Brown</p>
<li>Student/Faculty Ratio</li>
<p>5/1 RICE</p>
<p>6/1 U Penn
8/1 Dartmouth
6/1 Columbia
10/1 Cornell
9/1 Brown</p>
<li>Annual Tuition Cost</li>
<p>$26,974 RICE</p>
<p>$35,916 U Penn
$35,288 Dartmouth
$35,166 Columbia
$34,781 Cornell
$36,342 Brown</p>