Checkered past ...chances

<p>Hi Im 26 years old now. When I was 18 (2005) I went to school and didn’t understand about withdrawing. I took 5 classes and only went once but decided school wasn’t for me, but never withdrew. Then I returned in 2008 took a couple of classes and did okay, then I went to a for profit school for a year and got a wasteful associates. I was going through a lot at a young age and definitely wasn’t ready, I have since made so many drastic changes in my life for the better and am not even close to that same person.</p>

<p>I finally returned to my community college in Pittsburgh in January of 2010. I got academic forgiveness for 2 classes and I repeated ones I needed to. Since my return 2.5 years ago I have done very well. I have a 3.3 but that would be a 3.7 but one “F” from 2005 is still haunting me but its a developmental course for English that I tested out of and took two higher Englishes with “B” grades that actually count as college level. They wont remove that grade without retaking it because the schools policy is not to give academic forgiveness for a development course that doesn’t transfer anywhere.</p>

<p>So I’m moving to Arizona this summer and have applied to the University of Arizona. From looking over my transcripts and talking to admissions people there I guess they take the average of the two grade if you retake a class EXAMPLE: I had F’s from 2005 but when I returned and re-took the classes I received an A. So they are going to assign my a “C” for my transfer gpa.</p>

<p>I know GPA’s don’t transfer but the calculation they come up with will determine if I get scholarships or not, also it will determine if I can get in the program that I want. Since not all my classes will transfer I think this process could help me or hurt me because not all the F’s will be taken into account, I don’t know?</p>

<p>I think if they look at my whole transcript they will see that I was a young man making tons of mistakes but I finally figured out what I wanted to do and made a complete 360. I also am having Letters of Recommendation from two of my professors and my boss at the hospital I work at now (I’m trying to get into their nursing BSN program) sent with my application.</p>

<p>I was just wondering if anyone had any input on of this. I.E.: My chances, my chances at scholarships, things like that?</p>

<p>thanks for the help guys</p>