<p>Hi. Is it true that private colleges in California can decide what to do with your past grades from other institution? </p>
<p>What happen to me was that I went to the University of Arizona for 2 years and received a 0 g.p.a. I came back home and was tested for severe ADD/ADHD. Now my grades are A's and B's at community college. It's like night and day comparing my grades from Arizona to community college.</p>
<p>If that's true, can I list that as one of my reasons to transfer?</p>
<p>How did you have a 0 gpa for 2 years? Most (all?) schools put you on academic probation and release you for not making progress towards a degree.</p>
<p>Many private colleges reset your GPA. Some publics as well. Varies from college to college.</p>
<p>At these colleges your old transcript doesn’t disappear per se, but your GPA for graduation is whatever you manage at your transfer college. </p>
<p>Also, privates (and some publics) look at grade trends and look favorably on grade trends.</p>
<p>haha yeah. That is what happened pretty much. I was on academic probation the first year, and then a received disqualification from the university :(</p>
<p>Annikasorrensen, thank you. I was looking for that information. Appreciate it.</p>
<p>It’s just hard for me to imagine a school keeping a student for 2 years with that gpa, not to mention whoever is funding their “education”.</p>
<p>Haha trust me. I couldn’t believe it either. I just assumed they wanted my out of state tuition since I’m from California. I’m glad I didn’t use my parent’s money or I’ll felt so guilty by now. Entomom, your gonna roll your eyes when you hear this and think of me as total fool.
5 years prior, I won the lottery (Daily Derby) for 90,000, but I realized that alone could never support my financial needs later on in life. So I wanted to go through Business program in Arizona but at the same time I had to drive back on the weekends to help out autistic brother. In the end, I got only myself to blame.</p>
<p>Oh well, glad to hear things are on track now, keep it up!</p>