<p>Does it make a big difference in your college apps (think ivy) whether you cheer for your school or for an all star team?</p>
<p>Has your all-star team won any big awards that would set it apart from all the other all-star teams?</p>
<p>it’s probably pretty unique for an ivy-applicant, either way.</p>
<p>Depends on how you earned the all-star.</p>
<p>Maybe some schools recruit for cheerleading?</p>
<p>Big all star teams - Top Gun, for example - would look really good. As long as you’re involved in your school in other ways I don’t see it being a huge deal. Maybe talk about your team’s successes in your essay.</p>
<p>Haven;t you seen Legally Blonde?</p>
<p>haha, exactly my point! it’s called <em>the ditzy factor</em> or <em>ditzy diversity</em> ;)</p>
<p>It’s not as good as top gun but they’re ranked nationally… !</p>
<p>There is a poster, by the name of mollybatmitt, who might be able to answer your question. She’s the cheerleading coach at one of the ivies, but I can’t remember which one.</p>