<p>I am the captain of the cheerleading squads(football squad and competition squad) Contrary to the stereotype of just cute girls in short skirts, it actually takes quite a bit of team work and dedication. Do you think this is an advantage at top-tier schools? I feel like, although a common activity, it is unique among applicants to these places.</p>
<p>depends. if you're really dedicated and you're able to show your passion in your essays or application, it will be advantageous. if you're in competitive cheerleading, even better.</p>
<p>Being an activemember/leader of any activity is helpful, so of course it will be a good thing to have on your application. But don't underestimate the other cheerleaders out there--you are not the only one who breaks the stereotype, I'm sure, and there will be other "cute girls in short skirts" with great grades and SAT scores who are also applying, so be sure you highlight all your strengths and don't depend on standing out just because you are a cheerleader.</p>
<p>As the parent of a former high school cheerleader, I totally agree with mattmom, while cheerleading is a great EC and takes up a lot of time (especially in competitive EC) don't look for it to be the thing that sets you a part from the rest of the pack as it does not replace grades and scores and most colleges will not be at a loss for cheerleading applicants. Yes, while my D was a cheerleader in high school, she also had stellar grades and scores, did internships, took ap courses, college courses and worked a parttime job.</p>