How much does being named an All-American athlete help your application for top colleges?

<p>I am an all-american cheerleader. Highest award you can get in cheerleading. My best friend is a 2x all-american PG in baseball apparently. How much does this help when were applying to Ivies?</p>

<p>If the Ivies have a cheerleading team, it will help a lot. If not, then it looks good, but it will hardy be what gets you admitted. Same for baseball. It would only really help if you sign up the be recruited.</p>

<p>The Ivy League schools do have cheerleading but no, this will not give you an extra edge. It will show that you have passion for your EC’s, which is good. Unless your friend is being recruited for baseball, it’s just another award to list.</p>

<p>^^Exactly, athletics only count as a hook when they want you for the team and they tip you. Otherwise it’s just another EC. I doubt cheerleading gets any tips, but it might make a difference at true Div I schools, where cheerleading is a much bigger thing. No idea if it makes a difference at Stanford, but you’ve probably got a better shot there than the Ivies with cheerleading.</p>


It doesn’t.</p>