chem 103 or 108 for nursing prereq?

<p>I'm planning on applying to the nursing school a year from now and can take either 103 or 108. my other classes are bio 101, geography 140, and soc 120. i'd just like some insight on what the better class to take is...i'm hoping to go to anesthesia school after a few years as an RN and know i will need to take a lot of chemistry in a nurse anesthetist program...does it matter how in-depth my undergraduate chemistry class is (chem 108 is obviously easier) or can i take either one?</p>

<p>Your best bet is to discuss this with a nursing advisor. By the time you get to schooling to be a CRNA you will be so far from your college freshman chemistry course it probably won’t matter which course you had if you only take one semester. Chemistry 108 may touch on subjects in a more useful fashion for you. I still remember as an undergrad chem major helping a girl on my floor try to make sense of her Chem 108 problems- she changed majors.</p>