Chem 14A with Lavelle or Scerri?

<p>I'm having a hard time deciding if I should take Chem 14A fall or winter quarter as I heard the two professors had different methods of teaching.</p>

<p>I have not taken chemistry since sophomore year of high school so 2-ish years ago, and my teacher wasn't that good. Which professor would be better for me?</p>

<p>Keep in mind that it’s not always Lavelle and Scerri. Ow has been known to be in the mix as well. However, I did enjoy my time tremendously with Scerri (20A)! In my experience the class was a repeat of high school (honors) chemistry/AP chemistry. His class and exams were easy and straightforward for me, and I love his style. However, I’ve heard many classmates of mine who did not like him very well :/.</p>

<p>Note: I never opened my textbook in 20A with Scerri. He has a reader that’s pretty easy to understand.</p>

<p>I took chem 14 A-D all the way with Lavelle. His website is well organized. You can easily find his lecture notes, discussion board, old exams/keys, etc. He is good too.</p>

<p>i heard 14a with lavelle is pretty easy as long as you do all the practice problems and old exams</p>

<p>I wouldn’t say it is pretty easy, but it is manageable.</p>