<p>I'm signing up for chem 14 a and there's either larsen or scerri as the professors. which professor do you recommend/is easy? downside about scerri: he's from 3:50,... larsen is from 10-10:50.</p>
<p>I had Larsen my freshman year in the winter. I would NOT recommend him. He’s a HORRIBLE TEACHER. He’s really nice, but I dunno. I didn’t do well in his class even though I studied my ass off AND had 2 years of high school chemistry.</p>
<p>hmm… yeah i dunno… i heard he was actually pretty good from 2 ppl on CC via pm… they said he went over lectures slowly…</p>
<p>larsen is very approachable and down-to-earth during office hours. scerri is the opposite as he can be intimidating. but both have their own sense of humor during lecture. i think larsen is more personal and would recommend him more than scerri. i don’t think any of them are lesser in terms of grading.</p>
<p>i had larsen for chem20a during summer 2007. i highly recommend him.</p>
<p>yeah that’s true. Larsen is a really nice guy. And he is super approachable. In terms of that, he’s a good professor.
I just didn’t like his way of lecturing.</p>
<p>to answer your PMs, freshmen:</p>
<p>for larsen, do your usual stuff–lotsa practice problems with calculations–i think larsen is not as conceptual as lavelle. also, he majored in physics in college so he loves those orbital stuff and box problems, etc so please study that. but it really depends on your class. if your class is smart then it’ll be harder to get an A. i don’t know about lavelle compared to larsen since i haven’t taken lavelle and can’t compare. hope this helps!</p>
<p>i recommend scerri (because i never took larsen i am not really against him either) but scerri’s class is pretty easy, everything you need to know is in the course reader and he does a good job explaining it in lectures, even if you don’t go to class you can still read the reader and not miss much, but if you do the lectures with demos are fun with his sense of humor :p</p>