@EsDad Didyour daughter get into one of the scholars programs at Miami? Did you and your daughter go to their chemistry/biochemistry open house a few weeks ago?
@EDHDAD I did not Ultimately, Miami not being R1 (hope I’ve got the terminaology right) and also seemingly homogenous and not in a big city made her less interested. Right now it’s between Purdue and U of Cincinnati. Am still chasing down info on those both. !!!
My son is doing a physics PhD at Cincinnati - not sure how the undergrad is. He did his undergrad at Bucknell and seems to think that was a much different experience than the UC undergrad one.
@EsDad Purdue and UC are great schools, but as an undergrad she will be considered a second class citizen at either place. She can watch the high end research being done by graduate students. And I can appreciate wanting a big city environment, but neither of those are located in what are considered to be great places.
D’s best friend at Purdue researched extensively as an undergrad. Has published as first author and will be attend grad school in the fall. The town is small but safer than Cincinnati’s campus.
Do you have any stats on Cincinnati? My son has found it to be pretty safe, considering it is in a city. The campus and immediate areas seem to be pretty well secured.