CHEM = GPA killer (for me)

<p>Hi, I want to go to med school and I want to be a doctor -- but my grades may come in my way.
These are my grades for 4 credit courses:</p>

<p>CHEM 103 - C+ Freshman year I took honors chem with no chem background from highschool and got a C+..
CHEM 104 - B
BISC 207 - B
BISC 208 - B+
MATH 241 - A
PHYS 201 - B-</p>

<p>My BCMP GPA is 3.05. My overall GPA is 3.384. Currently I'm taking Intro to Astronomy - 4 credits, Physiology - 3 credits, and Organic I - 4 credits (for science courses). </p>

<p>All I can think of to do is take more Biology classes to raise my GPA.. but what are my chances into getting into medical school? I am going to retake Intro to CHEM over the winter -- but my college doesn't get rid of the old grade -- it just factors both into your GPA. My current expectations are A's in astronomy and Physiology, but maybe a B- or a C+ in organic :(. CHEM is killer for me.</p>

<p>Also, do Biology courses for non-majors also count in your BCMP GPA -- like BISC 110 Viruses, Genes, and Cancer?</p>

<p>Thank you so much -- any suggestions relevant whatsover to this would be appreciated!</p>

<p>p.s. I'm willing to consider D.O. schools too.</p>

<p>Same story here, I managed a B in both semesters of chem. for chemistry majors…the only chemistry there was room in … & somehow managed a B in organic as well. I would just advise you to do your best, get as much help as possible–go see your professors, get tutors…whatever it takes …& yes biology counts towards your BCMP GPA regardless.</p>

<p>you generally need Calculus, Organic, and higher level Biology courses to get strong looks from medical schools. and a GPA of 3.5 + is not set in stone but makes you much more competitive. Also…work toward 30+ on ur MCAT, once again these are general guidelines…nothing is really set in stone.</p>