Chem Lab Waiver difficulty?

<p>Hey, Im a sophomore at UPenn. I started out in the Vag MLS program, but that was terrible and now I am switching into Cbe. I took physics lab freshman year, but now need to take chem lab unless I can get a waiver...</p>

<p>How difficult is it to get a chem lab waiver? I lost my old real chem notebook with my graphs and grades and everything, but I made a makeshift one from 8 of the labs I found from my past but Im missing graphs, a few labs, and many corrections. Has anyone had success with obtaining a chem lab waiver with a less-than-adequate lab notebook?</p>



<p>but i guess this situation is somewhat uncommon</p>

<p>So I know all of you care, but I actually got this chem lab waiver through a 5 on the ap exam, a decent amount of labs, and a whole lot of email complaining. woo.</p>