Chem SAT II study advice

<p>i was registered for Bio but a program im applying to requires Chem SAT II (just found out) so im switching. im good at both so its not too bad. </p>

<p>just got sparknotes book with 2 practice chem tests and i have an account for online sparknotes with 3 tests. i took chem at my local community college last year and got an A (preface you with my chem skills)</p>

<p>what should i do from now until saturday to get a 700+?</p>

<p>take practice tests. A lot. I’m good at chem, but not excellent, and I took 5 practice tests–I also took the subject test two times. My highest score was a 710.</p>

<p>any recommended books i should take these practice tests from?</p>

<p>I’ve heard Barron’s is good, though it supposedly has extra information that isn’t covered on the test.</p>