Chem SAT subject test score of 740 vs AP score of 5

This dilemma is for my sister - who got an AP score of 5 in Chemistry. Her school grade in the same subject course is B (she scored A’s in rest of STEM courses). In the hopes of making up for this somewhat lower score in AP Chem course she took SAT subject test in chem and scored 740. Now the dilemma is whether to submit that subject score? (a 5 in AP maybe better than 740 in subject test). She already have 2 other subject SAT tests with 750+ scores (800 in Math2 and 780 in Physics).
Can someone advice if its any use of sending in a 740 in SAT subject test if there are already 2 better scores in other subjects (plus a 5 in AP test). I am telling her not to send this 740 but she is thinking it will help her compensate for lower school grade. Any thoughts?

PS: she is applying to Math/Physics majors at most colleges (undeclared at others). many of the schools she is applying asking for only 2 subject tests (either required or recommended).

There are few offsets in the application process. A high SAT score does not offset a low course grade. A high AP score does not offset a low subject test score. Not that either a B or a 740 is low.

Regardless, a college wants what it wants. If it wants Subject Tests, it does not want AP in lieu of Subject Tests. An applicant with 3 Subject Tests can certainly send in 3, but probably the only 2 highest will be considered. An applicant can certainly report AP scores, but they are not in lieu of anything else, for most colleges.

And finally, if your sister has questions, she needs to ask her own under her own account. For many reasons, including privacy, we do not allow “Asking for a Friend” posts. Closing.