Chem Study....

<p>What do i do within the next two weeks to study for SAT II Chem, for around 750-800 score??</p>

<p>Assuming the only prep I have is 6 chapters of AP Chem
and i need to get that score..?</p>


<p>same dilemma… I have been studying the Barron’s book and it’s awesome… I’d suggest that you live and breathe that book until exam time.</p>

<p>I’m sooo nervous!!
my practice test scores have ranged from 640-750</p>

<p>My suggestion is practice those T/F/CE, Multiple choice and matching are really easy.</p>

i guess i’ll pick up the barron’s book tomorrow and read my heart out, and then specifically target T/F/CE questions</p>

<p>make sure you read the t/f/ce questions CAREFULLY</p>

<p>i’m convinced i got a 790 instead of an 800 because it said CO2 had linear IONIC bonds, but all i saw was linear and figured the next word had to be covalent.</p>

<p>so be careful.</p>