Chemistry Department

<p>How is the Chemistry Dept? My S is interested in BioChem as a major and this will be a factor in his decision</p>


<p>Iā€™m a current biochem major and I think the chem department here is quite good. We have some excellent professors and the students are very supportive and close-knit. Also, if he is interested in doing research, Notre Dame is an excellent option because its a big enough school that exciting research is going on here, but small enough that the professors are accessible and open to working with undergrads. The facilities are also excellent. The university recently built a $70 million science building for undergrads (Jordan Hall of Science) and has been working to increase the amount of research that goes on here. Let me know if you have any other questions.</p>

<p>Also, this is another recent thread about biochem at ND:</p>

<p><a href=ā€œ[/url]ā€>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;