Chemistry/Environmental Science Double Major

<p>I am an upcoming freshman at UNC and was wondering if majoring in both chemistry and environmental science was too much. I want to do something in environmental chemistry or energy research for graduate school so I figured these would be the two majors that would prepare me best for that. I know that UNC's Chemistry department is really good (ranked 13th and tied with Yale and U Chicago) but I noticed that the Environmental Science major was just a curriculum. I was curious as to whether or not the Environmental Science major is accredited because it is in the same category as the Engineering department which is not accredited. The Environmental Science curriculum looks rigorous, but is it a good program? </p>

<p>Thanks in advanced for any feedback about the UNC Chemistry and Environmental Science departments.</p>

<p>Congrats on the acceptance! I am currently a freshman and this semester I took Environmental Science 202 (which is kind of like a 101, you learn the basics) It was very challenging! My professor (Dr. Bell) described it as a mix of bio, chem, and calc.On our second exam, more people got below a 10% than above a 90% (no joke!) You will do alright if you take advantage of the professor and TA office hours. They are very open to helping students. But I am positive that if you had ENST 202 and Chem 101 in the same semester, you would be ready to pull your hair out by the end.</p>

<p>That’s all the insight I have on that. Hope it helps!</p>

<p>I would recommend that you go on the advising ( website and look up the academic worksheets for both majors. Get an excel workbook going (or write it out on a piece of paper) exactly which classes you’ll need to take each semester to make that double major happen. Make your 4 year plan, talk to an advisor, and go from there. I think this exercise will serve you very well to see the rigors of both majors. Best of luck to you!</p>