Chemistry required?

<p>Do you need to have spent at least a year in your high school years studying chemistry if you want to apply to an engineering major? this is a problem for me currently because I am taking physics and math at IB levels but have never taken a full year chemistry course during my high school year.</p>

<p>Um you could have never taken a math class(if thats possible) and still study engineering. Only specialized programs have HS requirements, any mainline University may have SAT and HS gpa requirements, but they will not care what the gpa is comprised of. HS really has little determination on how well one will do in college.</p>

<p>Most schools actually DO have course requirements for general admissions to undergrad. They usually require 4 years of English, 4 years of social sciences, etc. I’ve yet to see a program that wants something specific like 1 year of physics, 1 year of chemistry, etc. They usually just say they want 3 years of science courses.</p>

<p>I agree with the above posters. It would be preferred if you have chemistry because that way you have some background in it before you take the engineering chem which can get stressful if you have no prior knowledge. I took Pre-AP in high school and that helped me a lot in college chemistry. I was one of five A’s and I can attribute that to my high school chemistry. You also might find that you have more freetime because your not sitting and studying all day about stuff you learned.</p>



<p>No, it’s not possible. </p>

<p>1) Most Colleges require you to take 3-4 years of math for entrance into a non-engineering major
2) Come on, it’s engineering.</p>

<p>thanks for all the advice! </p>

<p>im an international student whos taking the IB in europe and needed some help with my issue!</p>