Chicagoland Parent Facebook Page

<p>I don’t know if the powers that be will allow this link but there is a Chicagoland Parent FB page that a Freshman dad set up last year. Could be pretty helpful in finding rides, sharing shuttles, etc. I have gotten some great advice here. It is not a student page, but for parents .</p>

<p>Also a good place for info if you are wondering about how a ‘Northerner’ will fit into UA. LOL That was me in June…now I know that it will be a GREAT place for my D to blossom.</p>

<p>It is a closed group so you do have to ask to join. PM me for the link.</p>

<p>Hmmm well the link does not work. If anyone knows how to put it on here I would be grateful. Guess I’m not at techno-wizard as I thought I was. lol</p>

<p>The link worked for me - if it was the right group. The group it linked to was called Tide Pride and has 14 members, many of whom do not appear to be from their profiles to be from the Chicago area. Is that the right one?</p>

<p>^That is the right one. I think the original thought was for it to be a facebook group for Chicago area parents/students, but that may have been changed by the time the group was started on facebook.</p>

<p>I think this is a great idea. It would be kind of nice if each of the area reps set up one of these for there area to connect parents and even students for these reasons. Or even the local alum association to help locally. They could monitor and watch for questions.</p>

<p>That’s it exactly…there are some good resources on the site. My thought was that if we promote it more, it will get more visibility. I emailed and asked the Administrator of the FB page if it was OK to do that and he was fine w/ it.</p>

<p>Everyone is willing tohelp…sort of like this forum!! :)</p>