<p>This is important to me... is there a Chipotle near Rice?</p>
<p>try googling.</p>
<p>Oh, good idea…</p>
<p>[chipotle</a> - Google Maps](<a href=“Google Maps”>Google Maps)
that is indeed a necessity for any teenager.</p>
<p>Yes! I’m with you… I’m sure I’ll be having lunch and/or dinner many times at the one on Kirby! =]</p>
<p>Qdoba is better.</p>
<p>The one on Kirby is quite a hike, and requires crossing big roads. As a result, most people I know rarely go. </p>
<p>I was quite the Chipotle enthusiast in high school, but Mission Burrito is better, IMO, and it’s much closer. Double win.</p>
<p>Ohh yeah, I’ve heard about Mission Burrito. Don’t Rice students get discounts or free burritos on a certain day? I think that’s what someone once told me…</p>
<p>Moe’s is so much better than Chipotle: better Southwest cuisine at a lower price.</p>
<p>Please tell me there’s a Moe’s around Rice.</p>
<p>Mission Burrito and Freebirds are so much better than both Chipotle and Moe’s. Trust me; you won’t miss Moe’s.</p>
<p>EDIT: There’s also a Chipotle in the Medical Center, and it’s way closer than the one on Kirby.</p>
<p>Freebirds… is the winner end of story!</p>
<p>mission burrito is extremely close to rice, it;s true it;s right in the rice village.</p>
<p>the good thing about mission ubrrito is you can put great queso on the burrito, which youcan’t at chipotle</p>
<p>chipotle by the med center. 5 minute walk from campus. But that isn’t REAL Houston Mexican food, it’s just better than taco bell.</p>
<p>i agree that this is one of the most important questions one should ask when choosing a college. Is there a burrito place (freebirds, chipotle, mission burrito etc…) near the campus? i always look for one whenever i visit a college campus, and i try to estimate the time of the walk between it and my dorm/engineering building:)</p>
<p>Chipotle sucks. Paying 7~ dollars for three tiny beef tacos is ridiculous.</p>
<p>Freebirds is much better. There is one pretty close to campus. ;)</p>
<p>Wow, I’m so excited!!</p>
<p>i’m more of the classic taco bell guy… in fact, i just had some =D</p>
<p>Have you ever eaten at any of these other places? Taco Bell just doesn’t compare I’m afraid. :P</p>
<p>Seriously, Taco Bell is disgusting. You live in Jersey? Isn’t that where the Taco Bell E. Coli scare originated a few years ago? I’m just joking of course, I know a lot of people that would just rather eat at Taco Bell.</p>