chm 125 versus chm 115

<p>has anyone taken chm 125, the gen chem version that chem majors take? i like chemistry, and I might minor in it. So, i asked my advisor if i could take chem 125, and she said i could if it wasn't full after all the chem majors signed up. i'm not really sure if i do want to take chm 125. Those that have taken either chm 115 or chem 125, what are your thoughts?</p>

<p>Bump 10char</p>

<p>I only took CHM 136 so I don’t know much about the other two, but make sure you study no matter which you take. I was a great student in high school and I had trouble to adjusting to the demands of college chemistry during my first semester.</p>

<p>oh really? Is chm 136 a full year of gen chem packed into 1 semester? do you suggest taking chm 136? I feel as if i know a lot of chemistry already since I got a 720 in the chemistry SAT subject test. Or do you think chm 136 is probably too much in first semester?</p>

<p>I’m just going to throw this out there. Just because you liked chemistry in high school means nothing. Your entire perception of what you know will change in one year at college and by the time you graduate you will be an entirely different intellectually developed person. That being said, CHM 125 will test your critical thinking skills much more than CHM 115. 115 is a simple, here’s the material and take the tests based on the material. CHM 125 is all hand-written tests, testing concepts that you’ve never seen before and that require a specific and often thorough examination of scenarios that may be foreign to students. Someone who took AP Chem and did well should be able to take CHM 115 with little difficulty. It is not the same for CHM 125, as many students drop the course early on and then shortly after they get their final grades, may change majors.</p>