choosing a new school

<p>I spent 2 serious years researching, visiting and agonizing over the perfect school for me. It came down to UNC and Trinity College. I chose the latter and am not really feeling it. The thing is, after all that work and making the decision I believed to be right, I don't know where to go from here. If I couldn't choose the right school the first time around, I don't even know where to go from here. One of the problems is all the schools I'm looking at (UVA, Bucknell, Vanderbilt, Northwestern) all have the preppy, rich environment that I despise at Trinity. I suppose I will apply to UNC again, but really would like to get out of state. Does anyone have any advice or different college suggestions?</p>

<p>can you please post your stats?</p>

<p>Not to sound self-righteous or anything, but you're going to need a better reason to transfer than that. It's no guarantee that the school you're going to transfer to will not have the "preppy, rich environment" that you so despise. I think it's safe to say that every school have its share of pompous, arrogant students that create this vibe that you describe.</p>

<p>I'm not from the east coast and know very little about the environment of campuses there, but based on my observations from schools here in California, state schools (Cal, for instance) tend to have a more modest group of students. With this in mind, UNC mind be a good fit for you.</p>

<p>UNC may not be the best fit for you unless you absolutely love the school. I recently received my MS from UNC and though the graduate student body isn't preppy per se, the undergraduate student body was the preppiest student body of all the schools I have attended (BS, MS, and now PhD). </p>

<p>I'm not preppy by any stretch and love UNC with a passion no other school can match, but this was fueled by my love for UNC athletics and school spirit. </p>

<p>Just wanted to give you fair warning...</p>

<p>Depending on your stats, you should consider some of the schools with more of an "offbeat" student body like Wesleyan, Reed, UChicago.</p>

<p>Yeah I don't think I would change to a different school for just that one reason, but if I explained everything, no one would read this post! So that is the reason I focused on and wanted to see how others contrasted that aspect with other schools. I know a public university in general would provide a more diverse environment, and the school spirit is something I really miss that I believe also fosters a more enjoyable environment. But now I'm wondering if anyone knows which other schools have a decent neuroscience program, along with that school spirit?</p>