<p>Hello, I am a junior, and I am very undecided on which teachers to ask for recs. The problem is that I have performed well in many of my classes, but I also feel that I made a few bad mistakes in all of them.</p>
<p>Of course, I might be too worried about those mistakes, but after reading some threads on CC, I have a feeling that I can only receive good recs by being a crystal-clean star student.</p>
<p>Here are some possibilities I have in mind:</p>
<p>1) Junior-year AP Biology teacher</p>
<p>Good: My grade in her class is quite stellar. I believe my average was either highest or very close to highest among all of her AP Bio classes in the first quarter. During class, I always strove to participate the most in my class. I went to every extra credit field trips she announced. I occasionally chatted with her about the latest news on Scientific American.</p>
<p>Bad: During presentations, I showed tendency to go a bit overtime. Once, I mistakenly followed an old class monthly schedule and failed to turn in a quiz-level assignment that she does not accept late. Although I knew she would not grade the assignment, I still turned one in the next day to show that I could have turned it in. During the second quarter, I performed poorly in one of her weekly tests and two of her (almost) daily quizzes. Once, I dropped a dissecting scope plate that was easily replaceable but not very cheap.</p>
<p>2) Sophomore-year/(definitely) senior-year math teacher</p>
<p>Good: Despite his reputation for being extremely tough, I managed to get an A in all but one tests. Although I was not planning to take his extremely rigorous post-AP math course in the beginning of the year, I managed to change my schedule for the second semester after incessantly lobbying with my counselor. Even though I did not have him for junior year, I went to greet him almost everyday. I will have him again during senior year for another highly rigorous course of his. Also, I have heard that he is quite good at writing recs.</p>
<p>Bad: Because I had to run around in hot sun (PE/Gym) right before his class, I was very often tired in his class. On several occasions, I was awake enough to take notes, but I am afraid he noticed that I had a hard time keeping myself awake. Also, I am not sure how he interpreted my taking another math course taught by another math teacher during junior year. I took the other course mainly due to my interest in the subject, and I knew that I would take his course in my senior year.</p>
<p>3) Junior-year/(possibly) senior-year AP Physics teacher</p>
<p>Good: I performed well in all his tests, maintaining a near-top average for the whole year. I have never turned in a late assignment in his class. I participated in a club that he sponsored. I did every single extra credit problem he gave weekly. I have heard that he was a terrific rec writer, who is willing to call colleges if he believes that certain student should have been admitted.</p>
<p>Bad: I could never really open up to him. I do participate in class, but not as much (well, it could be argued that he doesn't really give any student chance to speak up). Similar to my mistake with sophomore-year math teacher (but to much less extent), I had hard time keeping myself awake during some classes. I am not sure whether he noticed or not, since I still took good notes.</p>
<p>Please reply with your words of wisdom!</p>