Christian/Catholic College suggestions for pre-medical studies?

Hello! I am taking a gap year to gain experience as a medical assistant and to get a break from education for a bit as I am battling some mental health issues (nothing too bad in the grand scheme of things). I am very much interested in attending a Christian or Catholic college for numerous reasons, but I want to attend one that teaches basic biological sciences correctly (evolution and such), as I want to eventually attend medical school. I would prefer institutions with majority Christian/Catholic student bodies. Suggestions would be very much appreciated. For a little context, my GPA is 4.645 weighted and 3.99 unweighted, and my SAT score is a 1390.

All Jesuit colleges would work.


Thank you! I will check them out.

Augustinian Colleges (ex Villanova), Franciscian Colleges (ex. Siena), Congregation of the Holy Cross, Colleges (ex Notre Dame), Dominican Colleges (ex Providence) to name some other options.

You can find the course catalogs of most schools online and then read the course descriptions.


Be sure to focus on finances as med school is very expensive.


That I will do! Using net price calculators constantly haha.


There are really only a few christian/catholic colleges that wouldn’t work (the ultra conservative ones, and even those should offer basic bio classes. There are catholic medical schools and they are teaching ‘real’ science.

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I figured. Just want to be cautious, thank you for this point!

It’s probably worth noting Catholic and Christian colleges which have their own medical schools with the assumption that their undergrad pre-med advising is to some extent aligned with their hospitals:

St. Louis
Loyola, Chi

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Baylor College of Medicine is an independent institution from Baylor University, though there are still some ties.


As others have said, most Catholic colleges should be fine. The same is mostly true of colleges affiliated with a mainline protestant denomination (e.g. Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, etc.) also. Those schools often have large numbers of Catholic students as well. As it seems you already know, you can usually verify they’re legit by exploring their biology department websites a bit. Any ELCA (flavor of Lutheran) school will definitely teach evolution.


Belmont Abbey is supposed to have a good track record for medical school admissions. It’s theologically sound and should have good science. It’s also affordable.


A fantastic university that combines learning and faith is Dallas Baptist University. I’ve taken a couple biology courses, and I was pleasantly pleased by how seamlessly faith was integrated into the lessons.

That is one of the scariest things I’ve read.


As others have mentioned, the vast majority of Christian-affiliated schools will work. College Navigator (fed’s website) has a college search feature, and if you select “More Options” one of the categories is religious affiliation. You can select (or deselect) whichever affiliations you might find concerning.

If you’re looking for specific suggestions, what’s your budget? Do you have any preferences about the size of the school? Urban, suburban, or rural? Any religious leanings (i.e. conservative/moderate/liberal) so long as teaches science in the way that med schools would expect? Areas of the country? Are there any particular interests you would like to pursue while in college? The more information you give us, the better suggestions we can give.

ETA: Just realized that this thread was from June. @12377321, let us know if you still need suggestions.

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St Norbert College has great merit aid and there is a medical school (MCW) on campus.

Wondering if the OP is even still around. Hasn’t posted or been on the forum since July.