Christian Presence at Madison

<p>Hi everyone! I understand that Madison is a public university, but I'm curious about the Christian presence at the school. I've looked at student organizations and see that there are multiple Christian groups, but I'm wondering if many students are involved in them. Thanks so much! :)</p>

<p>Not huge–but sizable minority. There are several large related facilities just off campus.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info Barrons. What exactly do you mean by “facilities”? Churches?</p>

<p>Yeah there are a lot of different churches. I don’t run into many hardcore Christians though.</p>

<p>When we moved our D into the dorms there were lots of chalk messages about meetings of the campus Christian groups. And, students were handing out water and granola bars, very welcoming. She was told the Lutheran fellowships there are really great, and open to all denominations (from her youth leader back home).</p>

<p>No, much more than churges. More like student centers and a church. Many have activities, study halls, etc. Presby’s even have a large dorm. Hillel has a great new building. Here are some that I know about and have been to for events. I am not a member of any of these churches (or any for that matter). But they have many open events such as guest speakers or music. I saw poet Allen Ginsberg at the Lutheran Center.</p>

<p>[UW</a> Hillel - Home](<a href=“]UW”></p>

<p>[Pres</a> House](<a href=“]Pres”></p>

<p>[St</a>. Paul’s University Catholic Center](<a href=“]St”></p>

<p>[Lutheran</a> Campus Center](<a href=“]Lutheran”></p>

<p>[Organizations</a> by Category](<a href=“Search Results for “rsocat.asp” – Center for Leadership & Involvement – UW–Madison”>Search Results for “rsocat.asp” – Center for Leadership & Involvement – UW–Madison)</p>

<p>There is no “presence” pervading the campus. Religions are a private matter- they do not dominate the campus culture but are a part of the lifestyle many keep from their upbringing. Those who choose to join many churches will find it easy to do so, those who wish to avoid them can easily. It can be fun to debate religion with friends in the dorm- yet another facet of college life. It is good to have your values and beliefs challenged by your peers- you may reaffirm them or discover they no longer apply. Remember that this is a large student body so there is room for many diverse minorities to find enough like minded peers to be with.</p>

<p>Or you can create your own religion…The sky is the limit…:)</p>

<p>You can’t go wrong following our country’s founders such as Thomas Paine- his religion was to “do good”. btw- many who think of a “Christian” presence forget how diverse Christianity is- Catholics are Christians by definition (the originals).</p>

<p>Intervarsity is a great organization to check out. Genuine people in a thriving group.</p>