<p>Is it true that UW is one of the most sexually promiscuous universities? Or is this a simple stereotype? Do you see people around you easily having sexual experiences? Please explain in detail about UW life regarding this topic.
God...I am really feeling disgusted.</p>
<p>If you are so intolerant of your peers' choices, you do not belong at a hyper-liberal university like UWMa.</p>
<p>Consider a private religious college.</p>
<p>I am disgusted as well cool0215. Disgusted that I even applied anywhere else! I certainly hope this is true, and agree with sabnet, you're mindset doesn't seem to apposite for the environment of madison</p>
<p>I don't know if it's one of the most sexually promiscuous universities... but I wouldn't be surprised. We are a highly "liberal" people. </p>
<p>Well, they are. I'm from Tennessee, and I actually did apply to a private religious college. I chose Madison, however. I don't get involved with anybody I havn't known for some time, because you don't know where they've been. However, I feel this would be the same for any college campus. I don't know, but human nature and human desires are the same everywhere, for all times. The guys who wrote the Bible experienced the same sexual desires that the UW students and Harvard and Wheaton (Christian) College experience. I just suspect the kids at Wheaton pray about it a bit more than those at UW. </p>
<p>Regardless, Madison has awesome churches (Blackhawk, for one) and the people you meet outside of the drunkards and the herpes crowds are so real. </p>
<p>Living in a place in which the majority lives differently than you do can actually make you a stronger person - given you surround yourself with the right crowd. It's all your choice, and I feel much stronger after 10 months of living here than I ever have before.</p>
<p>Stronger in what sense?</p>
<p>Stronger in that you can be an individual and retain your own values and morals despite pressure from your peers. Unless of course you cave in to that pressure. In that case, you would be weak. i for one find no reason to judge others for being permiscuous. I dont want rotten pen1s syndrome so i am careful, but it is your own decision, not anyone elses. If you respect what they choose to do, then those people should respect your decisions. If you give them a bible lecture, they will tease you. I havent been to college yet, but i have been to high school, and i dont see how this can be any different.</p>
<p>"easily having sexual experiences"</p>
<p>umm hello, anyone there!</p>
<p>That would be a + for me in choosing a college, not a negative. If you don't want to have sex the only surefire way to prevent yourself from having sex(though it boggles my mind why anyone would want that) is to become a eunich or a castrati</p>
<p>in some cases, people dont want to have permiscuous sex. I dont like the idea of having sex with someone im not involved with. If a some random hot girl wants to do other stuff, thats fine, but not sex if i dont know her. </p>
<p>My point is simply that if this person who may not want to have sex at all makes that decision, he should be respected for it until he starts to talk about it as if hes high and mighty, or imposes it on other people, most likely via bible thumping. Nobody is going to rip on him unless he makes an a$$ out of himself. And if they do, they are jerks and you shouldnt try to make friends like that anyway. However, to not have sex at all probably would require catration.</p>
<p>you know what I find really funny. The religious right recently commisioned a study to see how their abstinence and virginity pledge programs were working. They found that kids who signed virginity pledges were 80% more likely have anal and oral sex.</p>
<p>When confronted with a problem, these teens did what any one of us would do. They found loopholes, specifically, 2 of them.</p>
<p>I find it so very funny and ironic that the efforts of the religious right has contributed to conservative girls saying to their boyfriends "First a bj and then the rear end, but please, not the beaver, that I'm saving for my wedding night"</p>
<p>I find that SO HILARIOUS</p>
<p>btw, I apologize if that was a bit graphic</p>
<p>That really is graphically hi~~larious!</p>
<p>Amusing take on STD testing at UW</p>
<p>See U. of Colorado.</p>
<p>I spent a little time at Colorado in the late 70's and found it pretty lowkey--but I was not a blonde trust fund skibum either. I always found UW women much more hospitable.</p>
<p>just like that oldies song</p>
<p>"the way they kiss keeps their boyfriends warm at night"</p>
<p>I try to keep it clean here--for the kids.</p>
<p>pshht.... what kids, most of the people on these boards are either seniors in hs or college students or parents, I dont think there are any pre-teens interested enough in college to go on a website like this</p>
<p>kids=anyone under 30</p>
<p>Nope. It's 0 to 17. Adult age is at least 18.</p>
<p>in that case I'm still a child in the view of the law. It feels great having your signature mean absolutely nothing :)</p>
<p>Until you have had to work fulltime for a few years, make car payments, have your own mortgage, you are still a carefree kid.</p>