Civil Engineering @ Berkeley?

I came to Canada to attend HS about two years ago in Grade 10.
I want to apply UC Berkeley as a 09er.
Even though not 100% sure but I want to apply for Civil Engineering program.</p>

<p>Here are my stats:</p>

<p>Location: British Columbia
NOT applying for FA</p>

<p>Intended Major: Civil Engineering (or EU)</p>

<p>My HS does not rank but I'm sure that I'm within top 5% (out of approx. 320)
GPA: 4.0 </p>

Critical Reading: 630
Math: 800
Writing: 700</p>

<p>Math II :Score Pending
Physics : Score Pending
but I am pretty sure that I did well on those two.
shouldn't be lower than 1550 combined</p>

School does not offer APs and IBs
only offers AP Calculus AB in the second semester of Grade 12 (i will take it)</p>

<p>ECs: </p>

<p>School Physics Society (11-12)(President)
Model UN (11-12)(Key member)
Mandarin Club (11-12)(President)
School Choir (10-12)
UBC Physics Olympics</p>

Canadian Math Contest (Gr.11) School Champion
And a lot of trivial school awards </p>

<p>Community Service:
-Volunteer Hour 120+
-Volunteer @ local Rec center every week
-Sichuan Earthquake Fund Raiser
-30 hour famine fund raiser</p>

<p>What are my chances of getting into Berkeley's engineering program?</p>

Since im an international student, I believe i don't belong to the OOS pool.</p>

<p>should be good, just depends on how many slots they hold for british columbians in their civil engineering program.
I applied to it, as did one of other top kids at my school
All of us are above berkeley in terms of the SAT requirements, so it just depends how many slots they have…</p>

<p>You have a better chance at getting into an equally good private school. Since UCB is a public school, they are required to reserve a large portion of their spots for California residents.</p>

<p>Equally good private schools? Could you plz give me some suggestions?</p>

<p>something like cornell for example</p>

<p>u may think about some privates, but keep that in mind, berkeley’s CE is nation’s best</p>