<p>As we know UChicago has made great progress on the admission front in recent years. I am just curious to see how strong its applicant pool is as now.</p>
<p>I have dug into the class 2018 EA result threads and gathered some statistics reported by students. I have only collected four kinds of hard data - gender, race, SAT/ACT scores, major awards. There are many intangibles like extracurricular, essays, recommendations, etc. which are hard to compare.</p>
<p>Here are the class 2018 Deferral/Reject stats - 21 students reported:</p>
<p>Male Female Asian White Hispanic Black Other<br>
8 13 7 12 0 1 1
38% 62% 33% 57% 0% 5% 5%</p>
<p>For testing scores I have picked up the higher score only once- either SAT (12) or ACT (9)</p>
<p>SAT (25%) SAT(75%) SAT(>75%) Avg ACT (25%) ACT(75%) ACT(>75%) Avg<br>
2100 2305 2350 32 35 35.5</p>
<p>SAT range (2030 - 2380) ACT range (29-36)</p>
<p>There were two students with major awards (Intel/Siemens, Olympics, others).</p>
<p>41 students reported to be admitted into class 2018:</p>
<p>Male Female NA Gender Asian White Hispanic Black Other<br>
20 20 1 14 17 5 3 2
49% 49% 2% 34% 41% 12% 7% 5%</p>
<p>There were 26 SATs and or 15 ACTs</p>
<p>SAT (25%) SAT(75%) SAT(>75%) Avg ACT (25%) ACT(75%) ACT(>75%) Avg<br>
2255 2330 2378 33 35 35.7</p>
<p>SAT range (2070 - 2400) ACT range (33-36)</p>
<p>There were three students with major awards (Intel/Siemens, Olympics, others).</p>
<p>One can see the class 2018 EA applicant pool was very strong (Deferral/Reject + Admit). As expected the admit stats are higher then those of Deferral/Reject's. The number of reported Deferral/Reject students is smaller than the number of admit - maybe they were a little bit disappointed to report and moved on.</p>
<p>The data sample is small and may not be accurate but it is correlated to the class 2017 freshman profile, more or less. </p>
<p>First from the sample data it does not seem many unqualified students applied - due to UChicago's reach-out effort. I believe students were smart enough to know their chances.</p>
<p>Second it also indicates UChicago tries to diversify its student body while admit the best possible. It does not try to protect yield not to admit the best students (perfect/near perfect testing scores, major awards).</p>
<p>Last it does seem the admission process is indeed mysterious - perfect/near perfect testing scores, major awards were not admitted into EA.</p>
<p>It will be interesting to see how strong the RD applicant pool will be.</p>