Class entering Fall 2008

<p>52% acceptance rate. Lost by bet with Xiggi (under 50%) but still a good number.</p>

<p>OOS rate was under 50% at 49%. Guess I was half right. The numbers.</p>

<p>Well over half are first generation college. That is remarkable.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>The chart on page 6 shows that just 20.3% of enrolled freshmen are first generation. What are you referring to when you say that "over half are first generation college"?</p>

<p>Whoops. misread it. I was looking at the right columns which appeared to include both groups but really was just comparing yeild rates. My bad. It did seem very high so thanks for the correction.</p>

<p>Noticed the legacy status data- do not compare this to private colleges. As the best school, public or private, in the state UW will attract students whose parents went there. Also note that minorities didn't have high acceptance rates- standards apply. The yield rate includes those who used UW as an academic safety as well as those who financially chose elsewhere. All sorts of fun can be had with statistics...</p>